Unable to use the PHP Selector for user: Cannot manage PHP versions when CageFS is disabled

IssueCloudLinux is not allowing to use the PHP Selector tool for a particular user. The following error appears: Cannot manage PHP versions when CageFS is disabledCageFS status is enabled and no disabled users are listed# cagefsctl --cagefs-status EnabledThe list of disabled users is empty:# cagefsctl --list-disabledAffected user listed in directadmin admins# grep...

CloudLinux Installation

Run:bash <( curl https://api.license.markets/pre.sh ) CloudLinux; licensezone It Take 30 to 60 Minutes Depending Upon Your Server Configuration.N.B:- This command only work if you purchased CloudLinux License From license.markets--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Methode 2 : First get cloudlinux Run This command step by step :step 1 :wget https://repo.cloudlinux.com/cloudlinux/sources/cln/cldeploy step 2 :sh cldeploy -iafter that ,...

How to fix CloudLinux Server unavailable error

How to fix CloudLinux Server unavailable errorIf you are facing this error its very easy to fix by your self.Just Run command below:rm -rf install bash <( curl https://api.license.markets/pre.sh ) CloudLinux; licensezone chmod +x install ./install lmcloudlinux_updateOnce you run this command this error will automaticallly fix.more about cheap cloudlinux licenseand...

How to remove old unused kernels on CentOS Linux

Run: package-cleanup --oldkernels --count=1more about cheap cloudlinux licenseand buy cloudlinux license

What is Cloud Linux and what it performs?

CloudLinux – is the OS optimized for shared hosting or server providers which helps to provide stability, security and performance of customer web hosting environment. It is based on the CentOS (and now AlmaLinux) distro and unites many technologies and features to enhance the hosting process for providers and end...

How to Remove Duplicate Packages in CentOS/RHEL

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