How To Connect Your Server Using Putty

Download a Putty: 02:Open PuttyStep 03:Enter Your Server IP in Host Name (or Ip address) box Step 04:Click on Open Button Step 05:Click on Accept Button Step 06:Enter login as root and hit Enter Button Step 07:Then Type your root password (Password will not shown black screen which is called terminal) else you can...

Enable root Access for Linux Instances

Enable root Access for Linux InstancesAWS doesn't grant root access by default to EC2 instances. This is an important security best practise. Users are supposed to open a ssh connection using the secure key/pair to login as ec2-user. Users are supposed to use the sudo command as ec2-user to obtain...

Why email are going to spam?

To Check Why Your Email going to Spam Visit: 01: Send a email form your SMTP / Webmail to "[email protected]" which mail is showing on 02: Click on "Then check your score" button and wait few secondsThen Check expanding menus you will know why your mail going to SPAMmore about cheap...

Could not resolve host:; Name or service not known

How To Fix Resolver Issue - 0curl: (6) Could not resolve host:; Name or service not knownError:0curl: (6) Could not resolve host: license.example; Name or service not known Why This Issue Found:This issue found when you are using wrong resolver on your server. How to Fix It:Edit FIle Below:/etc/resolv.conf  Replacenameserver X.X.X.Xnameserver Y.Y.Y.Y to nameserver...

Enable root Access for CentOS 7 & AlmaLinux 8

Run Below Command:sudo sucd /cd /etc/ssh/sed -i 's/#PermitRootLogin yes/PermitRootLogin yes/g' sshd_configsed -i 's/PasswordAuthentication no/PasswordAuthentication yes/g' sshd_configservice sshd reloadcd /cd /etc/cloud/sed -i 's/disable_root: 1/disable_root: 0/g' cloud.cfgmore about cheap cPanel licenseand buy cpanel license

How to fix AlmaLinux 8 Update error

This error is commonly found in AlmaLinux 8. How to idendify this error ?Answer: you will show "(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)" line in last line when we run "yum -y update". How to solve this error ?1st Run update...