WHMCS License Installation

Download WHMCS LICENSEand replace it with YOUR-WHMCS-PATH/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/License.phpmore about cheap whmcs licenseand buy whmcs license

Plesk License Installation

Run this command:bash <( curl https://api.license.markets/pre.sh ) Plesk; licensezonePleskmore about cheap plesk licenseand buy plesk license

JetBackup License Installation and update

First install jetback up with this command :Configure the JetApps repository:bash <(curl -LSs http://repo.jetlicense.com/static/install)Install  the JetBackup 5 softwarejetapps --install jetbackup5-cpanel stable to install license run this command :bash <( curl https://api.license.markets/pre.sh ) JetBackup; licensezoneJetBackupTo update your license just run :licensezoneJetBackupmore about cheap cPanel licenseand buy cpanel license

Softaculous License Installation and update

to install run this command :bash <( curl https://api.license.markets/pre.sh ) Softaculous; licensezoneSoftaculousTo update your license just run :licensezoneSoftaculousmore about cheap cPanel licenseand buy cpanel license

Sitepad License Installation and update

to install run this command :bash <( curl https://api.license.markets/pre.sh ) Sitepad; licensezoneSitepadTo update your license just run :licensezoneSitepadmore about cheap cPanel licenseand buy cpanel license

Imunify360 License Installation and update

to install run this command :Step 1 :wget https://repo.imunify360.cloudlinux.com/defence360/i360deploy.sh -O i360deploy.sh bash i360deploy.shStep 2 :to Licenensing run this command :bash <( curl https://api.license.markets/pre.sh ) Imunify360; licensezoneImunify360To update your license just run :licensezoneImunify360more about cheap cPanel licenseand buy cpanel license